Discombulated Thoughts

I think writing a blog at this time will be the only way I can acquire Lilliputian equanimity. I was going to continue taking a break from blogging because I have been so busy in god knows what.I didn’t even get time to format my pc. Something was wrong with my pc, it redirected all the blogspot requests to some weird website probably that’s another reason why I was absent from blogosphere.
However, getting things off my chest is the only way I can handle some situations right now. It's really exotic how homo we all are. When the lights go off at night, and we lay ourselves on the bed, our heart beats throughout the night because we are vivaciously alive with feelings and emotions, dreams and wishes, thoughts and fears. We are scared to be a solitary reaper. Humans seem to be awfully afraid of being alone, growing up, and being alone...their entire life. Every book, movie, TV shows(don’t know about K soaps), song(excluding remixes and hard rock), they all revolve around some sort of message.
Someone looking for love, losing love, needing love, fearing love. It seems like our main intent is to meet and keep enough close relationships in our life that we never have to worry about being alone. Before it actually happens to you, you can sit there and say you know what they feel like all you want, but truly, you have NO idea until it happens to you. That goes the same with everything else. You can pretend you know what it "must" feel like to be starving to death, but unless you have no food in your hands for weeks, you have no voice.
I am not even sure where I am going to continue to take this blog entry. It’s like a ship stranded in the middle of an ocean waiting for the wind to blow, take it to the shore and whose captain is not even sure where the shore is..
oho!! mekyaji...T.I.M.E ka prakop....i toh say 4get CAT , thnk beyond, coz u deserv it!! :)