Elevators and hoi polloi
I read somewhere that on an average a software engineer works on and above 3rd floor. Life of a SE is full of ups and downs, quite literally. He takes the elevator! Otis invented this wonderful machine which does all the up and down movements for you on the push of a single button. Elevators are preponderant when it comes to high rises. Just imagine the pain of climbing a 6 floors by stairs multiple times in a day. Normally we spend 3-4 mins in an elevator but just in case you are a lift operator you might be spending the complete 8 hours shift inside the moving cuboid. But since you are reading this blog am sure you're not a lift operator. Lifts are a problem for those who travel more than 10-15 floors and those with extremely slow elevators, well you might be spending 5-8 mins inside the lift. As a token of kindness and sympathy I forgive you and this post caters to your interests.Hence, Read On! The various species which you might find in an elevator are: Name: Driver a.k.a Ope...