Superlative caliber!

You and me – we all have our frizzles. Mine pertains to rodents especially rats

Poised easy-going person, but a rat brings the best of the worst out in me. A rodenticide is kept handy at home, for the explicit purpose of extirpating these 4 legged monsters. But I confess, I hardly use it. It's strictly meant for showcasing the variety of aerosols I posses! I don't believe in taking lives of innocent creature, after all I have no right to take anybody's life just like they don't have the right to take mine. can say! 

Personally, I keep a good distance. My actions would scare them away anyway, leaving no hope of succeeding in the process of extirpation. Don’t mistake me, My house or the current abode is not precisely pullulating with the creepy pests. Nor am I a coward. Only when it comes to rats well..then some fishy thing happens!

Bravery, I can prove in other ways. Show me a lizard/insect and I can stare down it anytime! As for cockroaches, this is where my true endowment comes to the prow, quite literally. Chasing the shit out of cockroaches mesmerizes me and I am in my true warrior form when the cockroach personifies as a homo sapien.#Ninja Warrior! 

Notwithstanding these spectacular qualities, I flinch, if I spot even a mouse pup. Babies of all species were cute,huh?

Refraining from sounding intolerant. I give those poor creatures a chance and look at their good side.Really?

Heat, cold, rain or shine, rats survive. They'll nibble on wires, clothes and what not, they survive; They can be the most innovative chef-making meals of plastics, papers etc. Absolutely zero on electricity consumption, all the shelter they crave is a spot of darkness, a crack, a wardrobe, backside of the refrigerator or even the CPU of your desktop! Surely such pertinacity of lineament is to be admired?

If you still aren't convinced of a rat's superlative qualities, then you need to see a rat struggling for life in a shit pot! It never gives up, not until you exhort the "press gently" knob. Some qualities which I am sure many humans would like to have.


  1. indore to bhopal vovlo....mouse pup in bus ran up my i resisted the urge to shreik only i know...only thing i fear worse than rats is public embarSsment i guess...i jumped and jerked my hand...bagal waale bechaare uncle ki god jumped up...shit scared :P

  2. Oh My God! a mouse pup in bus is hell scary! Public embarrassment is scary too but when its cause is a rat it becomes all the more dangerous :)

  3. Haha! I feel the same about lizards. So I guess it's not the race to be frowned at, but our own peeves.


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