
As I type in my thoughts the Airbus cruises away towards Delhi. Jaunting alone has become a part of my life and for some trivial reason I am loving it. The complete Airbus is packed to its capacity with majority being turbanators. My co passenger is a sweet yet short tempered turbanator lady. Having aviated many a times over a period of 3 years I respect my co-passengers or should I say padosis! The primary reason for calling them padosis is that your co-passenger can really be a pain especially when you have to fly over a long distance and unfortunately I am not unknown to that.

As a kid, I always wanted to travel alone, but then ours is not a safe country especially at the time when the most affordable state of transport was the railways. Thanks to the open skies, air travel has become affordable. It really makes me feel nice.

Each time I have to travel, my thoughts also meander.A metaphor it may seem like,to me its more like a journey of life. Destination which I have to reach, veneration and anguish to overcome - that is what life consists of. Spending time with self is something on which I'm falling behind, to really examine what I am cogitating, to renew the energies which are necessary for fighting life - these journeys provides me with this extra time. Time-o-therapy if I may coin it?

With every hit on the key, thoughts keep on flushing out till the time one thought blocks everything - "Life has a way to tell you that no matter how much you try, there will always be things that are way beyond your control"


  1. very true...there are always soo manyy things which are beyond our control! and how we wish we could affect them.....


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