A flower you are, A flower I am

Like a flower
Radiating in it glory
With each seed
narrating its own tale

As each petal blooms
As it continues to grow
The intensity and noesis
upholds to show

It becomes a bouquet
Continues to blossom much more fair
Tended cautiously
By those who care.

Once in life
You cross a person
As lovely as daisies
As refreshing as lavender roses
With a kind heart to lend

I saw this bouquet
I picked it up
Soon all its pieces
Matured in my heart

But then I realized
They were not leaves and petals
But pieces of you.

The love, the forgivingness
The endurance and the might
Acted like manure
for me to grow
Into my own orchid

With our relation
Which we'll never let go
refreshing and energizing each other
A flower you are, A flower I am


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