Interpretations - Religion
Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us.
Delhi, Mysore, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Mumbai - Few cities which have a decent share in the pie of my life. One thing which is common with all of them is the diversity in "Religion". We all come across this word almost every hour. It is one term that should have been the most august one but ricochets for all the wrong reasons. Its another terminology which has become a part of our lives and we've learnt to live with it. We know it is famous as it managed to get a slot in the news channels, space in the news paper, very easily. Few things which reminds us of the fact the world is made up of many faiths are - Riots, honor killing, terrorism etc.
I am not the type of person who keeps on chanting mantras, shlokas all the time. This term has deeper meaning, something which has and will decide the course of my life - good or bad, keeping out the crap this post is not about my life.
A piece of "Peace" and "Spirituality" forms the basis of what I believe religion should be. No hi-fi stuff just these two simple yet complicated concepts. Trust, concordance and sincerity are the resultants of the above mentioned concepts. Religion is not made up of festivals, rituals, processions, fasts. These are a part of what we know as culture. I've never bothered to go deep into any religion but just killing people and citing some insane concept relating to religion is the most absurd thing I've ever come across.
These days, all major religions in the world contradict each others view on almost everything. The act of following one religion and the idea of dissenting with others affects the concept of peace and spirituality. If a person doesn't follow my religion then I should force him to change his view point,really? If they don't agree with me, I should feel enraged and hence be ready to abuse, hate, fight!
Had Darwin given a theory on religion, then I think it would have been - evolution makes us the enemies of each other.
People have become so selfish that they pray for their own community and not the society as a whole. There have been times when I've come across uneducated people who pray for the whole society but it is the educated ones who have sympathies only for their own community. Doesn't violence affects the whole society?
We, the homo sapiens, believe that things should evolve with time then why can't the principals which were laid down millions of years ago change, at least amended. The world is on the path of becoming one family, we all have differences but for making "vasudhaiva kutumbakam" possible we need to learn the art of tolerance else every other person you meet will become a problem.
Simplistic and sensible were the teachings of the people who preached religion in the historic times. I am pretty confident none of them asked anyone to abuse people who belonged to other religion. The only problem which I perceive is our own interpretations of what is being taught to us.
When I pray, I pray with no segregation and no other notions about the people I am praying for. Respecting god and nothing else is religion for me. My religion is my trust in God!
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