
Showing posts from February, 2012

Think before and speak later

We all have two ears but 1 mouth, for a purpose. A purpose which is set by nature, Speak less but listen more. We have a brain whose size is large as compared to the size one's mouth even when it is wide open. Again, that is for a purpose. Time and again, I am flabbergasted at how people manage to speak without cerebration. One of the most axiomatic and significant attributes of homosapiens is the ability to communicate through speech. A mesmerizing inference is that we communicate our thoughts in real time; we do not need to plan what we’re going to say before we say it. This inborn ability is often the source of dismay when we say on the spur of the moment and later wish we had either not said, or said differently - in a way which would have made different impact. It happens with everyone, no matter how good speaker you are, no matter how well versed, prepared, intelligent you are, at one point in time you are bound to make this mistake. Why do people forget that if one comments ...

Here I go again...

So officially I'm here. In the blogosphere again. Finally.I struggled with what should be the first official post. Should it be prolific after all this time ?? Grand in nature. Broad in scope. So, I struggled. How should I start this first press ?? I've never managed to keep a journal: the idea of writing for myself alone doesn't make sense and I worry away looking for the perfect word or phrase, then worry if I'm crafting it away from the truth, then I start again, and so on. Paradoxically, writing for even a quasi public potential audience feels as if it might help to reduce the effect of that introspective self consciousness since there would be a reason to stop - to get it posted.. After all that struggling I realized it’s just like walking into a room full of people you’ve never met - I'll introduce myself. It seems like the polite thing to do, right? I am suffering from BrainoSparkyFitsoEverySecondo :P ... loll I really detest inconsiderate; stupid pe...