A gadget-y affair

One thing which keeps me going is the hunger for more and more technological stuff. Whether it's software or hardware, I just love the sight of new innovation and when I get my hands on them, I am like a 2 year old licking a lolly pop for the 1st time. Eagerly waiting for the next lick!

So after a random trip home, it was a random decision to buy a new cell phone! Actually, dad wanted one and I tagged along - more like buy one get one free sorts. After analyzing few options dad decided to go for Lumia series and I went in for Galaxy S Duos. Dad had his reasons for buying a Windows based phone. The rationale behind my choice was chiefly Android 4.0 with a powerful processor and RAM.

Two days have gone by and I am very satisfied with the phone. But Lumia has been a disappointment. Hangs a bit and there's no bluetooth transfer functionality, thanks to the "Secured" Windows platform. But thankfully, we had talked to the salesman that we might change the phone in case some problem occurs while configuring dad's VPN. So, hopefully tomorrow will be another gadget-y day.I'm loving it :)


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