Compromising doesn't mean..

At home, day before yesterday there was an article in a supplement of a leading national daily. I generally skip reading these supplements for the very simple reason - They contain bullshit! Who is dating who? Who is the latest victim of wardrobe malfunctioning? Who has slapped someone? Tours and travel ads! And not to forget Page 3 parties and the dress code or should I say the undress code they follow at these theme parties! But, considering the fact that I had hell lot of free time, I decided to read the supplement. After the general non-sense stuff, I stumbled upon this article which talked about compromise and relationship.

The article began with the quote - "Compromising" doesn't mean that you are wrong and someone is right, It  only Means that you value your  relationship much more than your partner. The article revolved around the quote but it failed to include one basic fact that a relationship is much more than one's ego. Man being a social animal cannot afford to stay aloof. He needs to connect with people and in the process he starts developing relationships. Relationships ranging from emotional to physical and now virtual are the building blocks of any civilization. A firm relationship is necessary spouse, boyfriends/girlfriends (Unintentional plural!), friends, parents, colleagues and above all your boss! [Yeah how can you forget the camouflaged Beelzebub for some]. Being self centered, egoistic not only destroys all relationship but affects your personality as well.

As far as I can think, one minuscule step which can prove to be the foundation of a healthy and halcyon relation is Compromise. Though the word in Indian film industry context attains a completely different meaning all together but in a relationship it not only saves the relation but also it will make it strong.  Now that doesn't mean only you are adjusting, it has to be mutual. Also, it doesn't mean compromising to such an extent that you forgo your rights and freedom. Adjust but ensure that it does not hamper your rights.

Egotism will make you successful but does being successful matter if you are alone? Just imagine, you become the CEO of some XYZ firm and there is no body around you with whom you can celebrate ? Those who will be around might be because of their own interests - sole purpose business! It's better to let go of ego if not completely then at least to some extent and learn the art of compromising in a relation.

The absence of "Where, Why and When"  defines a good relationship. You walk to a person, grab his/her hand and without the mundane questions, the person starts walking with you!  Think!



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