This is Ma..whatever!
Harangue, well that is what this post will sound like. Unlike my other posts which may seem like some literary gems<yeah?> this one is completely off the track. So, if you are expecting the same old genre, well then sorry to disappoint you are looking at the wrong place..haha!!
This post is about the eternal dedication to Ma! Mother..Mom..amma..aai..whatever you use she remains the same. But there's a difference between Ma and Maa! The latter refers to the above synonyms but the former umm well a commonly used word in the dictionary of hip hop internet. But believe me, saying ma in no way sounds cooler. Neither it makes you sound hip but it will definitely make you a good candidate of my hip hop kick.
It's about those blessed morons which use 'ma' instead of my for a variety of reasons which beats a hell out of me! That's ma new mom, That's ma house, This is ma post! , That's ma friend, That's ma girlfriend etc. Gimme(Gimma) a break please{Lol}!
What's the problem in using my? why on earth is it difficult to use my? I’m not jabbering for the sake of it...well here are my reasons{logical} why using ma instead of my makes absolutely no sense.
1. Length: Most of the slangs are used just to avoid typing all the letters and hence become time efficient. In case of touch screens, you in a tinnie minnie way contribute to energy saving! ur, brb, btw, ttyl etc are understandable, acceptable considering their full forms are way too lengthy or you are just too lazy to type the complete phrase/word. But 'ma' and 'my' both have 2 letters. So why don't we use 'my'?
2. Easy to access a instead of y: Ohh really Mr. Jackass? Probably all those who prefer ma instead of my are using some non-qwerty keyboards because on qwerty keyboards Y is nearer to A. Apply pythagoras theorem or distance formula. Y will always be nearer. And if you aren't so mathematically sound, then use your eyes you dumbhead and see what is closer to M, A or Y.
If you happen to talk to some one in India, the general interpretation of the above mentioned ma sentences will definitely make you go ROFL.
By the way, how about Teri ma key? <wink> <wink>
awesome post.... but there is one very important category you have omitted. The class of people that don't use my or ma... they use (shudder) "MAH" .... an additional letter, extra length, for no purpose whatsoever... :P