And here it is..Century!

So, the day has arrived. Finally! 100th post of my blog. I struggled with what should be the milestone post! Should it be prolific? Idealistic in nature. Broad in scope. So, I struggled.

Back in 2007, few of my friends were bitten by the bug of blogging. Somehow, I managed  to spend one complete year, protecting myself from being bitten by this bug. But then, in 2008, my immunity gave in and I was affected by it.

Over the years, I've seen myself maturing and its direct impact is visible in my posts. What started as a fun filled blog illustrating some of the interesting incidents of my under graduation, recipes which I used to cook(I don't have a kitchen now, only 3-4 outlets to survive apart from the mess where I hardly eat) to feelings which I used to pen down, now contains rants, poems, videos, pictures and not to forget articles.

I had almost given up blogging last year but this year I started again. There was this intense drive from within to go on writing and now that I look back, I've managed to post 62 articles in 2012 itself i.e. a staggering increase of 61% over 2011. Too much of stats!

Anyways, I'd like to thank a few people in particular who in a way helped my find this lost love of mine.

Sakshi, a special person in my life,  who has always motivated me to write and still does. She's the one who is always ready for a discussion on any post of mine. Now, I've motivated her to start writing.

Meghna, the partner in crime in almost every thing which happens in IMT. Awesome blogger and friend. There are a few posts which were inspired by the way she writes.

Kaavish, one person who eagerly waits for the new post mail notifications.

Anyways, I don't want to make it a huge thank you speech, which somebody actually did in a recent conference. An unedited version of myself -

I'll keep blogging and you guys keep on reading!


  1. Way to go! Here's to a 100 more. And the acknowledgement in the 'speech' is appreciated old boy!

    1. hahah..are you sure about the word 'appreciated', you might probably want to replace it with its synonym ;)
      And yes..Thank you Megs :)

  2. You are certainly doing better than our poor cricketers, at notching up a 100! Good going..this is a GOOD bug.

    1. hehehe..thank you sir. I hope they start looking for a century special coach, I'll surely apply for that job ;)
      Yes! This is a good bug :)

  3. Congratulations...great going :)Keep penning(typing) down your thoughts :) all your blogs are really good :)


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