
Walk - An activity which can bring smile on my face and for everything else, there are angels. I have almost been game for walks. Moving around aimlessly in childhood to moving around in search of good food in adulthood accompanied by a few glasses of beverages and laughter fits for some random reason.

Post dinner walks with mom and dad were a part of daily life and they still are whenever I am at home. Gazing the night sky, looking at stars and figuring out which constellation they are forming used to mesmerize me. As a kid, whenever I saw an aeroplane flying in the night I used to ask mom - what if a star falls on a plane? I used to wonder how far off the stars might be. I remember the best view used to be when there were power cuts. Walking in darkness with just the moon to lighten up my way ahead, I could make out lineations of concrete edifices and trees. There were times when I used to play hide n seek which eventually turned into the game 'dark room' for obvious reasons. Once bored of playing, we used to go for a walk and talk for hours.

Apart from the short walk from home to the school bus stop, morning walk was never my cup of tea. In graduation, S and I ended up founding the walk the talk sessions. It used to be fun. Walking around the campus, gossiping and laughing at couples sitting in weird postures or fighting. I still remember walking crazily for 2 hours all over the campus with Vaibhav and Abhishek in search of a girl on whom these two dumbasses had a crush!

From short walks life introduced me to long and excessive walk sessions at Infosys Mysore. I used to walk almost 5-6 Kms daily without having a slightest expression of tiredness. All credits to the beautiful landscaped campus. There's a saying, the mountains make their own weather, I'd say Infosys Mysore has its own weather system. Ironically, Walking through the meandering shiny roads inside the campus always used to re-energize me.

Now, in post graduation, M and I go on for a walk - whether in the morning, evening or post dinner but yes we do walk. There have been times when we've went for a random walk to a near by lake through the state highway which runs right next to our campus. With the clear sky above, farm lands on both sides and the sound of cattle bell ringing provided a good ambiance for a stroll. Inside the campus, its the gossips, pampering canines and felines and gazing at stars constitutes our post dinner walks.

Why do I love walking? Because, I want to explore the unknown territories. The best way to explore any place is by walking. I really want to walk in some haat/mela or a handicraft market. All I want to do is observe and talk to artisans, understanding their art and do some shopping. I hope I get a chance to do something of this sort in Nagpur..will have to bribe M. :D

Till then , Keep Smiling! Keep walking!


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