My friend..

Sitting by the huge french window
Gazing out at the scene
A red parrot was there once more
Dancing about on the tree
Only a time ago the parrot was green
I saved my Guava cores
For the times it came to be fed
For the chillies, he came to the sill
But this one is small and fluffy
Obviously a baby yet
I watched as he fed and danced,As he suffered a vulture's torment
One day as I cycled downtown
I spied on the greyish empty road
My little partner, and he was down
I stopped with screeching brake
As tears eased my heart's pace
As I returned from the morning walk
The caracas was still there upon the street
I stopped, plucked a flower from the gulmohar above
At the very moment no one was to see
Bending down, I placed the bouquet about him
For on-coming traffic, the parrot to see
There was a relief I could feel
My heart eased, though filled with grief
For the little friend that the vultures teased
The alley is now, of all flowers clear
I lost my red little friendwith no trace of thee
Today, to my window, came a red little friend
Instantly, I fed him the core
Once more my fragile love began to glow


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