Gazing, a gaze this must be..
Gazing, a gaze this must be..
The heart so pretty
As beautiful as heaven on earth
As precious as the kohinoor
Alive, jubilant and jocund
Gazing, a gaze this must be..
The spellbinding eyes
The cute face
The ocean of beauty, I can drown inside
Gazing, a gaze this must be..
the smile of a new born
spanning my reckon
and dearest times, illuminating my skyline
Gazing, a gaze this must be..
Never ending days accompanied by solitary darks
A wait for the sun to come up, just to talk to you
to fall back, to lose everything without any gain
..with rain drops romancing with the crust
The redolence emanating from the sand
to live and long for some other day all over again.
Very interesting concept..raindrops romancing with the crust!