
Showing posts from April, 2013


~There are times when understanding is more important than being right! Sometimes it is about understanding Understanding the unspoken Hiding behind the curtain of silence Understanding the one who is hurt Held back behind a veil of silence Understanding the wounded Concealed under auto-rebelliousness Understanding the unusual happiness Understanding the yearning the forlornness, the anguish tolerated So, when you really understand The reasons behind the moist oculi and apprehensions The dreams and needs The thoughts which drives the action The confinements which dominates and the want of the psyche I know, I understand, can say that When you truly understand you can pardon anything, admit everything ..and probably truly love..

Traffic signals!

This is not the first time that I saw a traffic signal,but there was something peculiar about this series of signals in Bandra(W). Not only there were 6 signals within a distance of 1km, interestingly all were of different colors at any given point in time. Sitting in a cab, with blaring horns all around I decided to put my earbuds to good use and started observing the various activities happening on the road to hell. The cab driver, an impatient one, kept on pressing the gas pedal without realizing the neutral gear. The light turned green and I was sure that it'll be my first drag race experience while sitting in a cab but to my disappointment the super attentive female driver of the front car was busy day dreaming. Suddenly, her common sense kicked in, the car moved and I exclaimed - "jal gayi batti madam ki"! As the cab moved, I noticed a cute baby in the adjacent car, as a friendly gesture I waved my hand. But the looks which the mother gave were enough to...

The Keeper of the stars

It was no accident me finding you Someone had a hand in it Long before we ever knew Now I just can't believe you're in my life Heaven's smilin' down on me As I look at you tonight I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars He sure knew what he was doin' When he joined these two hearts I hold everything When I hold you in my arms I've got all I'll ever need Thanks to the keeper of the stars Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine It takes my breath away Just to look into your eyes I know I don't deserve a treasure like you There really are no words To show my gratitude So I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars He sure knew what he was doin' When he joined these two hearts I hold everything When I hold you in my arms I've got all I'll ever need Thanks to the keeper of the stars It was no accident me finding you Someone had a hand in it Long before we ever knew

My friend..

Sitting by the huge french window Gazing out at the scene A red parrot was there once more Dancing about on the tree Only a time ago the parrot was green I saved my Guava cores For the times it came to be fed For the chillies, he came to the sill But this one is small and fluffy Obviously a baby yet I watched as he fed and danced,As he suffered a vulture's torment One day as I cycled downtown I spied on the greyish empty road My little partner, and he was down I stopped with screeching brake As tears eased my heart's pace As I returned from the morning walk The caracas was still there upon the street I stopped, plucked a flower from the gulmohar above At the very moment no one was to see Bending down, I placed the bouquet about him For on-coming traffic, the parrot to see There was a relief I could feel My heart eased, though filled with grief For the little friend that the vultures teased The alley is now, of all flowers clear I lost my red little fri...

Reflection in a puddle

From years to Days Days to seconds These twinkling stars have seen soo much Witnessing, speculating & mewling A rivulet of saline rolling down the soft mountains The drums have heard too many prevarications Though received in trust but all in speed All were simple and easily broken Kissed are those lips With the mouth that uttered shit A longing to forget hovers above the stars Holding the unspoken, with even more regret The centrepiece - resembled the semi grown trunk In the misplaced pride of teenage, the chin was strong Firm yet slightly fallen, the result of bitter truth Each entigo, every mar, although in line yet not fine marked their contours in its own timeline Those who made me laugh, made me cry Watching the clock ticking by These moments made me sit up the night Replaying every shoot and glancing at the tick tock Worried yet waiting to return The reflection in the puddle is not me But the phantasma others are able to see.

Between a torrent and beach..

There was a puddle on the painted sill as the dew trickled down the windowpane. Through the obnubilated glass, I watched a receding figure, with shoulders stooped against the torrential rain. Against the cool, wet glass, Jen leant her forehead. She would do anything for Tom. It was spring, when he had first brought her here. Just a friend and nothing else, he had said. She had a slim figure, a delicate one but could not swim. Catching the waves, he was on for a surf, showing off. She lay on the plaid blanket, wrapped in a brightly colored skirt. But, I stayed indoors. The rain made it difficult for me to make out his figure on the beach below. A contorted silhouette, the runnels running down the pane made his appearance a fractured one. All I needed was a fraction of unmindfulness to let him slip and fall into one these runnels, his illuminated self ending up in a soppy heap of termite dust. I kept on holding him in place with my gaze. As the days passed, the outi...

Gazing, a gaze this must be..

Gazing, a gaze this must be.. The heart so pretty As beautiful as heaven on earth As precious as the kohinoor Alive, jubilant and jocund Gazing, a gaze this must be.. The spellbinding eyes The cute face The ocean of beauty, I can drown inside Gazing, a gaze this must be.. the smile of a new born spanning my reckon and dearest times, illuminating my skyline Gazing, a gaze this must be.. Never ending days accompanied by solitary darks A wait for the sun to come up, just to talk to you to fall back, to lose everything without any gain ..with rain drops romancing with the crust The redolence emanating from the sand to live and long for some other day all over again.

An Ardent Request..

A wish that you'd accept my way A peculiar way of staying quiet A sign is what you ask for A definite acknowledgement, day in-out For we are each others I'll never understand your need to see Validation of feelings growing more, daily Utmost with time, or that their form must be An exhibition of emotions, crude, candid and pure All I do, yet I fail you in this The centre of my thoughts The single governing force of mine All will be like this  Until my life finishes its marathon Is docile, invariant passion now second-rate Compared to love, stinging close to hate?

Interpretations - Religion

Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us. -Socrates  Delhi, Mysore, Hyderabad, Nagpur, Mumbai - Few cities which have a decent share in the pie of my life. One thing which is common with all of them is the diversity in "Religion". We all come across this word almost every hour. It is one term that should have been the most august one but ricochets for all the wrong reasons. Its another terminology which has become a part of our lives and we've learnt to live with it. We know it is famous as it managed to get a slot in the news channels, space in the news paper, very easily. Few things which reminds us of the fact the world is made up of many faiths are - Riots, honor killing, terrorism etc.   I am not the type of person who keeps on chanting mantras, shlokas all the time. This term has deeper meaning, something which has and will decide the course of my life - good or bad, keeping out the crap this post is not ab...

A struggle

Life is like an ocean of sand. It will always slip through your fingers and always slip away from you.There will, however, be a small part that stays in the palm of your hand. Be thankful for that. Having something which is very dear to you, a precious thing which was beyond your imagination of having it, all you wish for is to keep it with you forever. Imagining a life without it is out of question. Becoming possessive, vulnerable and insecure is not under your control. You put all the efforts and never feel how much of yourself you're giving away to let that thing stay in your life. The moment which decides it all is the moment when you realize that you're trying too hard to keep it in your life. All you realize is that your efforts are just to delay that bound to happen "exit" a bit longer. No matter what you do, it's gonna happen!'s like holding porous sand in your fist, the tighter you make your grip, the more it slips away. Becaus...

Few years down the lane..

Few years down the lane, when we all will grow a little old and those greyish strands on our head will be enough to certify our age, I shall narrate you a lot tales, capture your "reverence".. capture the "second best thing you can do with your lips".. capture your surprise, the twinkling eyes..  the "oh my god" moments with your hand on your forehead.. the stern looks strong enough to make me go red .. and the countless number of times when you say "What? You did that..are you crazy" .. well they all will be tales coming from my heart of those things which I do in the present but the moments when I shy because you might come to know because the time is not right.. Well..not a few years but a lot of years to come before you actually get to hear these stories :D